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Agro- business services

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Agro- business services

The Uganda government is pushing for greater commercialisation of agriculture by encouraging the use of irrigation and mechanised farming
1. Commercial farming in both crops and animals industries as well as aquaculture
2. Value addition ( Agro-industries, Agro-food industries)
3. Manufacture of inputs such as improve seeds, fertilizers and pesticide
4. Cold storage facilities and logistics
5. Farm machinery manufacturing and assembly
6. Packaging
7. Irrigation services

We use sustainable eco-friendly farming practices to grow the produce. These include irrigation, use of local fertilizers, mulching The produce is delivered to you according to your needs, preferences and frequency. We also have a pick up plant located in Seguku for those that prefer to pick up their produce.

The delivery area is currently limited to Seguku and the surrounding areas. However we make exceptions for high value purchases.